domingo, abril 09, 2006

O seguro morreu... há muito.

Social Security

No one is safe. The streets are unsafe.
Even in the safety zones, it's not safe.
Even safe sex is not safe.
Even things you lock in a safe
are not safe. Never deposit anything
in a safety deposit box, because it
won't be safe there. Nobody is safe
at home during baseball games anymore.

At night I go around in the dark
locking everything, returning
a few minutes later
to make sure I locked
everything. It's not safe here.
It's not safe and they know it.
People get hurt using safety pins.

It was not always this way.
Long ago, everyone felt safe. Aristotle
never felt danger. Herodotus felt danger
only when Xerxes was around. Young women
were afraid of wingéd dragons, but felt
relaxed otherwise. Timotheus, however,
was terrified of storms until he played
one on the flute. After that, everyone
was more afraid of him than of the violent
west wind, which was fine with Timotheus.
Euclid, full of music himself, believed only
that there was safety in numbers.

Terence Winch

Se o poeta tem referido a falta de segurança que sentimos em relação ao futuro e ao problema de haver ou não dinheiro para a nossa reforma, mandava o poem ao PM.

A fotografia é da obra Safety pin, do Claes Oldenburg dos grandes objectos. (A propósito de alfinetes, que será feito da trindade do Alfinete d'Ama, que anda desaparecida em combate? ... em combate ou a mudar fraldas.)


Blogger dama said...

Andamos é mais a assoar narizes fungosos com kleenex.

Gostei muito do poema, cujo autor não conhecia, e da arte instalativa. Talvez tente uma tradução lá no Alfinete Dama, assim que conseguir estancar os ditos fungos.

11:04 da tarde  

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